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For the second successive year, Solidatus has ranked in the FT’s annual list of Europe’s fastest-growing companies.

The 91st place ranking for Solidatus is up 120 places on 2023, putting the organization 14th amongst the fastest growing UK-founded companies on the list. See the full list here.

Making this year’s list, which is ranked in order of revenue growth, is the latest in a succession of accolades for Solidatus over recent months.

In December, the company was recognised at the Banking Tech Awards for our work with HSBC, where we won the prestigious ‘Best Use of Tech in Business Lending’ prize. And just weeks before that, we were announced as winners of the ‘Best Data Governance Solution’ at the A-Team Data Management Insight Awards USA. No surprise, then, that our CEO, Philip Dutton, was recognized as an influential data leader on the DataIQ 100 USA list last year.

But none of the recognition and the awards would be possible without the hard work, dedication and effort of Team Solidatus – and the enduring relationships with our wonderful customers, as we strive daily to deliver innovation and value through our unique approach to data management.

Latest news

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2023 shows no signs of slowing down for us and our partners, marked by a significant win at the Banking Tech Awards from FinTech Futures for Best Use of Tech in Business Lending. We take pride in this recognition, which reflects our successful and ongoing efforts to deliver effective services to our customers.


Our joint submission showed how HSBC supercharged their Wholesale Lending business with our next-gen version-controlled graph tech.

Within six months of launching, a small business team documented and modelled HSBC’s entire wholesale lending book, demonstrating traceability from source to consumption. The team has now successfully modelled 2,000 source tables with 80,000+ fields, and 20,000+ data linkages across 45 source systems used globally.

With this Winter win of 2023, we are in high anticipation of 2024 and what it will bring. If you want to learn more about our data sharing work with HSBC, you can access it all in our case study 

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After a remarkable year filled with success and expanding our reach, we are happy to announce our win in the ‘Best Data Governance Solution’ category at the A-Team Data Management Insight Awards USA 2023.

This marks our third win for us in the ‘Best Data Governance Solution’ category – a testament to our transformative data governance capabilities in data management.

Our data governance solution goes far beyond basic data management, adding different dimensions through powerful dynamic visualizations and this award solidifies our position as leaders in this domain. In today’s complex digital landscape, having a visual representation of the connections that define and drive an organization can be the key differentiator between success and failure.

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Solidatus CEO & Founder Philip Dutton

With high hopes for the year ahead, we anticipate 2024 will be just as rewarding, and we eagerly anticipate sharing these accomplishments with our colleagues, partners, clients, and industry peers.

For more information on this great awards ceremony, you can check out the A-Team’s dedicated showcase page:

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Solidatus and HSBC shortlisted for prestigious banking technology award

We are thrilled to announce that Solidatus and our customer, HSBC, have been selected as finalists for the Banking Tech Awards by Fintech Future. Our nomination falls under the category of “Best Use of Tech in Business Lending”. 

Our joint submission detailed how HSBC leveraged the power of Solidatus’ next-generation version-controlled graph technology to revolutionize their Wholesale Lending business under a multimillion-dollar transformation program that helped them:  

  • Slash credit decisions from months to minutes 
  • Reduce fund distribution to customers from months to hours 
  • Comply with evolving regulations and internal risk management controls 

Sid Mubashar, Head of Credit Insights & Intelligence, Wholesale Credit & Lending, HSBC, said: “At HSBC, we serve millions of customers across 63 countries and territories, with over one million customers utilising $3.6 trillion in approved credit limits – resulting in a highly complex data infrastructure. With Solidatus, I can visualize the data model for each business outcome, manage the requirements of key stakeholders and provide greater clarity over the intricacies involved in addressing their requests. This new data-led framework plays a major role in HSBC’s global strategy.” 

How HSBC Transformed their Data Capabilities with Solidatus

Within six months of launch, a small business team documented and modeled HSBC’s entire wholesale lending book, demonstrating traceability from source to consumption. The team has now successfully modeled 2,000 source tables with 80,000+ fields, and 20,000+ data linkages across 45 source systems used globally.

By seamlessly ingesting metadata via Solidatus’ connectors, HSBC gained complete lending book transparency with dynamic end-to-end lineage visualization. They can efficiently evaluate change impacts by referencing current, historical, and future data views, substantially reducing manual workload. Additionally, HSBC established a shared data language, eliminating redundant efforts for the bank and its customers, with significant financial benefits.

This self-service, single source of truth is available to hundreds of internal users, visualizing all data requirements across the lending book. In contrast, with the same sized team, given the complexity and scale of the organization, traditional solutions would require an estimated 18-24 months and would not provide the same breadth of transparency and capability.

Philip Dutton, CEO, Solidatus, added: “HSBC understands the complexities of modern banking better than most – and seeing such a small team deliver such a big impact using Solidatus is extremely powerful. Being shortlisted for this prestigious award is a testament to their innovative work and the quality of our technology.”

Read the full case study by following the link below.

transforming HSBCs lending business

Transforming HSBC's Lending Business with Solidatus

Within six months of launch, a small business team documented and modeled HSBC’s entire wholesale lending book, demonstrating traceability from source to consumption. They now have a highly scalable and automated solution that is being applied to several applications from ESG to liquidity calculations and other regulatory uses.

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Philip Dutton, Solidatus CEO, recognized as an influential data leader joining the DataIQ 100 USA

“Who’s made the cut?”

That was the question on everyone’s lips at the big reveal live on 24th May at 1 o’clock Eastern Time, the cut being the 2023 DataIQ 100 USA list of the most influential people in data.

We’ve rather given the game away with our headline, at least in the case of one of those 100 top data leaders, because we’re delighted to say that our CEO and founder, Philip Dutton, did just that in this, its second year of publishing a US list.

Just 12 months after he relocated to Houston to set up Solidatus’s North American headquarters, Philip has been recognized by industry peers for the work he’s doing at the helm of Solidatus, the leading data management solution that empowers organizations to discover, connect and activate their metadata to deliver the insights needed to solve modern data challenges.

Speaking from London – to which he briefly returned earlier this week to talk at the Gartner® Data & Analytics Summit alongside BNY Mellon’s Lewis Reeder in a presentation entitled Solidatus: How BNY Mellon is Visualizing a Holistic View from a Complex World – Philip said: “I was thrilled to be nominated by a data leader within the industry, and then to be chosen to be included in such a prestigious list is quite humbling, given the names I see alongside mine. Solidatus is the only metadata management company that is engineered to deliver implicit trust from complex enterprise data. This is why we’re trusted by 20% of the Global Systemic Banks, such as Citi, HSBC and many more, as well as across all other industry verticals. It’s my mission to bring this trust to as wide a userbase as possible, and I think my peers recognize this drive.”

He joins a list that includes the likes of the CDO at the Dow Jones, Oracle’s senior director of product strategy, the CDO of Salesforce, IBM’s CDO and Google’s chief decision scientist, not to mention fellow Houstonian and CDO of Chevron, Ellen Nielsen.

We touch on a few of Philip’s achievements below, but first, a quick look at DataIQ…

Who are DataIQ and what does this mean?

DataIQ is the fast-growing, cross-industry community of data and analytics leaders and professionals from Fortune 500 and large or mid-market organizations.

Submissions for consideration for its list can be made by or on behalf of anyone working in or supporting the data and analytics industry. The pool of potential nominees, therefore, is huge, meaning that those who make it through to the last 100 really have made a difference in the good fight to make data better.

So why Philip?

DataIQ reviews every nominee, focusing on how they stack up in the following critical areas, on all of which, Philip came up trumps:

Leadership within their organizations: How they demonstrate the importance and value of data and analytics, either by taking it to the very top level (Data Titans) or by showing how their solutions are impacting on the way data and analytics are deployed by clients (Data Enablers).

  • Philip’s work and influence with global data-rich and regulated organizations, including some of the world’s largest investment banks, who have become champions of his company’s software, is a good example of his role as a data enabler.

Engagement: How they are interacting with the broader data and analytics industry. Are they playing an active role on an industry council or working group? Are they speaking at conferences or webinars, publishing thought leadership articles or involved in other external activities across the industry?

  • Philip is an active member of the EDM Council, is asked to speak at events globally, and regularly contributes articles to the industry press or is approached by journalists for comment, a recent example of the latter being when he spoke to the FinTech Times in a piece in which he was quoted as saying: “Bad data governance practices result in poor decision-making and breaking compliance. If organizations don’t have the right capabilities in place to analyze their critical data sets and extrapolate key insights to support decision-making and ensure regulatory compliance, they could be sleepwalking into a data disaster. By using technology to manage and visualize your ecosystem, you can rapidly analyze your data sources and data flows to identify negative impacts. This clear mapping is a critical step in identifying data risk and avoiding errors that could disrupt compliance, cause significant fines and damage your reputation.”

Support DataIQ and its mission: DataIQ focuses on advancing the profession of data and analytics, so “involvement with what we are seeking to achieve can’t be a bad thing,” it says.

  • As co-founder, Philip has been leading Solidatus from its inception. With over two decades’ industry experience, he’s become a recognized and influential thought leader within the data management space and continues to campaign to revolutionize the data economy and change the way the world manages data. In this time, he has supported organizations in delivering quantifiable and future-proof business results, while leading the Solidatus team in addressing real-life data challenges by uncovering its true value.

Read more about DataIQ 100 USA.

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By Philip Dutton, CEO & Founder

I’m delighted that Solidatus – the UK’s leading data management software company – has made it to position 212 in the FT 1000: Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies 2023 list, as announced by the Financial Times in the UK yesterday.

Delighted, as I say, but not surprised; the three years to the end of 2021, the period for which the FT reviewed companies’ financials, saw intense and focused activity from what was a very small team for much of that time. There were just 21 of us in 2018, but we grew in staff numbers and revenue despite Covid and the tough conditions of the market in which we operate in Europe and beyond.

But what does this mean? Like Solidatus itself, it’s all about context.

Growing is easy when you’re small. But sustaining growth when you’ve hit the €100,000 mark – the first item on the FT’s list of qualification criteria – is the hurdle that, sadly, flaws most start-ups.

But it doesn’t stop there. To earn our place, we also had to generate revenue of at least €1.5 million in 2021 (a figure we exceeded by more than €3 million), and demonstrate that our revenue growth between 2018 and 2021 was primarily organic, which it was.

But here’s some more context, and it’s the stat of which I’m most proud: we were among only 223 companies that also enjoyed a compound annual growth rate of more than 100% during this period. This is a testament to my colleagues’ hard work and the faith our growing body of customers has shown in Solidatus, and it puts us on a pedestal alongside the likes of Kahoot!, PensionBee and many other enterprises that could soon be household names.

Of course, we can’t double every year indefinitely. Grains of rice on chess boards illustrate this point better than I ever could. But I feel confident that we’ll continue on an upward trajectory, and look forward to celebrating this with those of you who join us on this journey.

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Solidatus is one of just two companies to have been ‘highly commended’ in the category of best start-up to work for at The Financial Technologist’s Top 1% Workplace Awards 2022.

Announced this week, the recognition comes hot on the tail of the company’s appearance for a second year running in the prestigious Deloitte Technology Fast 50.

Our success in these awards can in part be attributed to the private interview that our CEO, Philip Dutton, who recently set up a new US headquarters in Houston, gave for the judges.

But in the article below, which is also published on page 13 (PDF) of the latest issue of The Financial Technologist, one of our employees writes about why he thinks it’s one of the best start-ups to work for.

The judges clearly agreed. 

Why Solidatus is the best start-up to work for: an employee writes

From a small flat in London’s Shad Thames, Danny Waddington looks out over a sea of Victorian rooftops and smiles. Taking a sip of his morning coffee, he returns to a line of C# code on his laptop.

Still fresh from his computing master’s at Imperial College, Danny ponders on the direction Threadneedle Software Ltd might take in the years to come. One of just two employees, he’s taken on a programming job at this new company. With ‘offices’ in a building more suited to student accommodation than facilitating paid work, this enterprise is bankrolled by two coders-cum-entrepreneurs that have, for now, retained their day jobs in the City.

Fast forward to 2017, and the company is focusing on its most commercially viable and exciting product: a solution for visualizing dataflows. With Danny now Chief Technology Officer, Solidatus is about to be launched, its market – for now – being banking and financial services.

A further five years on, Solidatus is in that Goldilocks zone. With Series A funding behind it, it has expanded to 111 employees, dozens of very high-value clients, including four of the world’s biggest banks, and it has a large office in a WeWork on London’s south bank. But it’s still very much a start-up, and new employees – all of whom are entitled to share options – are joining at a time when they can make an obvious and measurable difference in the company’s shared mission: shining a light on data mess.

And it’s not just the company: our solution meaningfully helps people beyond its client. It’s not exaggerating to say it can make the world a better place by making the data that governs people’s lives more transparent and easier to find. Or at least this is the case for our early adopters, one of the most recent of which being the Bank of New York Mellon.

But, while it’s relatively early days for Solidatus, we have very bold ambitions and are following the right line on a graph to achieve them. The people working here – whether they’re building the product or involved in marketing and selling it – make a real impact and are shaping what Solidatus is and what it’ll become.

While our biggest employee hub is in London, and people work on a hybrid basis, coming into the office a couple of times a week, we have regional headquarters in Houston, Singapore and India, supporting a hugely diverse workforce, a number of remote workers, and, of course, we have customers around the world. This international flavour is crucial for developing a well-rounded product, as user experiences vary from one country to the next. This is also true of the regulations that our software helps clients deal with.

Our founders, one of whom is the CEO, play a very hands-on role in the company. We’re all on first-name terms with them, and from the top down, the leadership team, which includes Danny, has worked hard to foster a supportive and collaborative approach. Every day we share our ideas with each other, whether formally or informally.

It’s a cliché but we really do work hard and play hard – whether it’s cruises on the Thames when we hit our sales targets or sponsored activities, like a recent fun run in Battersea Park, you can rely on us to get involved – we even employ a fungineer. The red squiggle I see in Microsoft Word when writing this suggests that not many other companies can say this.

But not many other companies are like Solidatus.

Fancy working at Solidatus in the UK, US or one or two other locations? Take a look at our current openings!

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We’ve only gone and done it again.

This time last year, we announced that our rapid revenue growth – 932% during the 2017 to 2021 period of fiscal years – had, for the first time, earnt us a place in Deloitte’s Fast 50 list of the UK’s fastest growing technology companies.

But we didn’t let this go to our heads and, thanks to our hard work, continued growth and the support of our customers and partners, we’ve been rewarded with a place this year as well.

All too often, start-ups and scale-ups fall by the wayside. So how have we kept our focus? And what does this achievement mean for the growing userbase of our innovative data management solution, one that empowers organizations to connect and visualize their data relationships, simplifying how they identify, access and understand them?

Let’s consider some of the most significant developments at Solidatus Towers of the past 12 months.

Team America

Well, the first thing to note is that we now occupy more than one tower. While we’re proud of our British origins, we opened a new North American headquarters in Houston earlier this year, where our Co-founder and CEO, Philip Dutton, is now based. This is in addition to our regional offices in Singapore and India.

North America is becoming an increasingly important territory for Solidatus, and this on-the-ground attention is helping our new customers better understand their data.

North America is becoming an increasingly important territory for Solidatus, and this on-the-ground attention is helping our new customers better understand their data.

“Their success is our success. That’s why we do what we do,” said Philip. “Companies choose to work with Solidatus for a number of reasons. At one end of the spectrum, it’s about risk reduction. We help them avoid astronomical fines by hugely speeding up and simplifying their data governance processes, meaning they demonstrate compliance with the regulations. They can also achieve huge operational efficiencies. At the other end, it’s about creating opportunities, transforming businesses to be agile, to better serve their customers. But what underpins it all is smart software that breaks down company data silos, creating a visualization never before possible: the single pane of glass, the master blueprint of all the connections that matter within an organization.”

Emphasizing this point, one new customer, BNY Mellon, sent its Chief Data Officer, Eric Hirschhorn, to join Philip in presenting a two-hander at a prestigious data and analytics summit in New York in August.

“Data is key to everything we do at BNY Mellon,” said Eric in the lead-up to the event. “Ensuring we have proper data governance is essential to how we operate. Solidatus is helping us extend and integrate the metadata repositories we use to maintain our market leading data complex.”

Awards and attractions

This accolade can be chalked up against many other awards from the last year, with highlights including Best Data Governance Solution and Best Graph Database Solution for Data Management at last December’s A-Team DataManagement Awards, and Best Data Governance Framework Solution for ESG at the A-Team’s ESG Insight Awards last month.

But what about the solution itself? Well, the platform continues to evolve, its recent developments including:

  • An enhanced framework for our connectors, which allow users to automate the loading of metadata from disparate source systems, Snowflake being a prime example;
  • Our new global search, which means users within an organization can search metadata across all models they’ve been given access to; and
  • A new and improved dashboard, making it even easier to take in a bird’s eye view of your data and connected systems.

Tune in this time next year to see if we’re still on this path. We feel hopeful that, with continued focus and innovation, we will be, and we’ll also have a range of new features to showcase.

Read more

Read more about Deloitte’s UK Fast 50. And, if you’d like to see how Solidatus can help your organization manage its data, feel free to request a demo.

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Although our software was born in London, we now call many of the world’s great cities home. Earlier this year, we set up shop in Houston, Texas to meet the demand for next generation data management solutions throughout North America. Since then, we’ve attended a myriad of events across the continent and have welcomed many new colleagues that share our passion for reimagining data management.

Last week, three of those colleagues – Solidatus’ Global Strategic Account Director, Mary Anne Bullock; Advisory Solutions Engineer, Kevin Shannon; and our Director of Business Development, Glenn Aluce – joined our CEO, Philip Dutton and our Director of Analyst and Industry Relations, Ashlee Dutton at A-Team’s data management summit in New York City.


We listened and learnt from those who attended, absorbing their insights, and suggested solutions to their complex problems. Ashlee Dutton commented on her experience at the summit: “There is a change happening across many industries. When it comes to an organization’s data strategy, they’re now shifting from defense to offense. Data is more than just another thing to report on – it’s influencing how the C-suite are steering the direction of their businesses.”  

The theme of the event was centered on leveraging data to drive business and compliance insight – topics that Solidatus regularly speaks to. Addressing a packed venue, Philip Dutton joined the Chief Data Officer at Bank of New York Mellon (BNY Mellon), Eric Hirschhorn, on stage to deliver a keynote about how our data blueprints are being used for knowledge, context and better decision making. BNY Mellon is the world’s largest custodian bank, managing $43 trillion of client assets. Hirschhorn played a pivotal role in the bank acquiring the Solidatus solution to transform their data management program. 


To summarize Philip’s and Eric’s key points: 

  • Change is inevitable, preparation is paramount. 

“The data world has changed so dramatically, so why hasn’t our approach or tooling? This is why we developed Solidatus – to deliver a solution that provides unique capabilities within data management to enable a fundamental shift in thinking and approach. We’re enabling organizations to create living and dynamic blueprints of their data, allowing the business to simplify the complexity and give context allowing quicker and better data driven decisions,” said Philip. 

  • Everything is connected. Data doesn’t exist in a vacuum.  

At Solidatus, we know that everything is connected, and that there is a global demand for active metadata: the continual visualization of systems, infrastructure, processes and critical data elements. Data interacts and impacts an organization’s entire ecosystem, so it must be modeled as such. Data’s WHY is more important than the WHAT or the HOW. No matter how far along you are on your data journey, you need to know where you are to understand where you want to get to. Solidatus allows you to see the data held across your enterprise architecture. Philip added: “Let’s not continue to boil the ocean, let’s start with the kettle.”

  • Building a strong data foundation unlocks value across your business. 

Eric talked about the immeasurable value that will result from implementing Solidatus. With Solidatus, he and his colleagues can understand the flow of their data for regulatory filings; ensure their risk picture is correct; trace the journey of their market data; and comply with jurisdictional concerns around where data is stored. Having a unified view of their data landscape is vital for building new products and services, and to ensure their data is timely, complete, accurate and consistent. These are just a few of the ways in which Solidatus can be used. Departments across BNY Mellon are planning on using our software for multiple different use cases. The goal is to move from a siloed to an enterprise data management governed view.

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Soon after Philip’s and Eric’s keynote, Solidatus took the stage again. Mary Anne joined leading data practitioners and innovators on a panel titled, “Shifting to agile data management practices to ensure enterprize-wide data access, analytics and visualization.”

Mary Anne made several key observations:

  • The main benefits of data democratization are timely and equitable access to data. 

When users across your business have access to data that is held in context, numerous other benefits span from it. These include:

– Accelerating transformation programs and product innovation. 

– Delivering rapid insights with confidence and trust.

– Reducing expenses associated with manual efforts and subject matter expertise.

– Building a sustainable knowledge base – once connections are built, they are retained throughout the life of the project.

  • Traditional data management development approaches fail because of rigidity.  

An agile approach to data management stops organizations churning through multiple system implementations which lead to uncoordinated reporting and analytics because of tight coupling with the systems that are being deployed. Most existing data functions are governance- driven, which has put a burden on data producers to maintain various catalogs and data asset inventories, along with various sets of complex business rules.

  • To create value from data you need an active data culture. 

To get businesses to think of data as an asset, any policies, procedures, and governance structures must be supported by a culture that encourages open communication and a common understanding between those that prepare and process data sets, and those who consume that data for analysis, insights and reporting. Adopting a commercial mindset is fundamental to setting up successful data functions.

We believe that Solidatus holds the keys to a new frontier of data management, so we were delighted to be recognized as such by our peers by being awarded A-Team’s Best Data Discovery and Catalog Solution at the summit.


Get in touch to find out how we can help you usher in a new era of data decision-making

Find out how you can create a living blueprint that can provide you with the knowledge and context for better-quality decision-making, robust impact analysis and reduced program time, risks and costs.  

Data governance darkened

After a brilliant year of accolades and achievements, we are excited to announce that we have been named as the winners of two categories at the A-Team Data Management Insight Awards 2021.

For the second year in a row, we have won the ‘Best Data Governance Solution‘ which is a real testament to our transformative governance capabilities in the world of data management. Our data governance solution goes beyond basic management, adding different dimensions through powerful visualisations and this award truly cements that.

We have also been named as the winner of the ‘Best Graph Database Solution for Data Management‘ category. This is a new award for us, and we are immensely proud to have been recognised for our innovative work. In a complex digital landscape, having a visual representation of the connections that define and drive an organisation can be the differentiator between a successful enterprise and a failed one.

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Solidatus Co-CEOs & Co-Founders Philip Miller and Philip Dutton 

These wins come off the back of an amazing year for our company, having been named in the RegTech 100 2021, as the ‘Most Innovative Data Governance Initiative’ and ‘Best ESG Regulatory Solution’, and most recently as the 41st fastest growing technology company in the UK for the 2021 Deloitte Technology Fast 50 rankings.

We are sure 2022 will be equally as rewarding, and look forward to sharing it with our colleagues, partners, clients and industry peers.