
Active Metadata blog
Metadata managementData quality
The amazing world of active metadata

This blog looks at the role of metadata in organizations, and how dynamic visualization and inference across metadata are essential to provide an up-to-date picture of the business.

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22.12 000008 GRIC Datactics partners with Solidatus SG background image 1
Data qualityPartners
Datactics Partners with Solidatus

Datactics partners with Solidatus to deliver trust in enterprise data quality. The partnership will see clients able to leverage the combined capabilities of the two firms to visualize and understand data quality throughout the enterprise.

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London Connections
Data managementData lineage
25 years on, what did the Barings Bank crash teach us?

Back in 1995, a young Futures Trader Nick Leeson was working for Barings Bank when he fraudulently hid massive financial losses from the bank in both London and Singapore.

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