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Regulatory compliance
Achieving Basel III compliance: A 3-Step action plan

Basel III is changing – are you prepared? In 3 easy steps, Solidatus enables banks to meet Basel III simply, and efficiently.

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Regulatory compliancePartners
Solidatus and Corlytics join forces to ease burden of data regs tracking

A new partnership with Solidatus will enable data practitioners to view Corlytics’ digitized regulatory content in the context of their own data and systems, helping them assess likely impacts and plan for change.

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Regulatory complianceData governance
Combining software to ensure your regulatory compliance

With news that Solidatus and Corlytics are joining forces to ease the burden of tracking data regulations, we look at how this partnership can promote front-to-back compliance.

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Regulatory complianceGDPR
The operational advantage of GDPR requirements

On 28th May 2018, GDPR changed the data privacy landscape forever. What organisations sometimes missed was that GDPR should not have been viewed as a burden but an opportunity.

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Regulatory complianceData lineage
Compliance and business insight – delivered by data lineage

Solidatus Co-CEO, Philip Dutton, joined data experts from EDMworks, Deutsche Bank, Voya Financial and Luxoft on a panel titled: “The power of data lineage to deliver compliance and business insight”.

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Globe DMI Awards HIGH RES
Regulatory complianceData privacy
Complying with worldwide privacy laws.

In this Q&A, Solidatus’ CEO Philip Dutton discusses what makes Solidatus different to other data privacy solutions on the market, how we’re helping organisations reduce costs, and what organisations can do to stay ahead of the curve.

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Regulatory complianceData privacy
Ready for Vietnam’s new data protection era?

“Vietnam is poised to pass a new decree that will bring the nation into line with its peers across APAC and internationally when it comes to personal data protection.”

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Regulatory complianceData privacy
Vietnam’s data privacy decree: the tip of the iceberg

Solidatus Head of APAC John Berven writes for Regulation Asia, taking a look at the upcoming implementation of PDPA in Vietnam and how organisations need to take a data-first approach to international regulation in order to be prepared.

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Regulatory complianceDigital transformation
Automation: What you don’t know can hurt you

Just as in grade 8 algebra where only 50% of the marks are allocated to the answer, providing the answer alone is no longer acceptable. Regulators are now demanding that organisations show their workings to prove compliance.

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Regulatory compliance
Vietnam’s PDPA – Foolproof against new privacy legislation

The focus on data and the way it is handled will continue to accelerate, as will sanctions for breaches. Given this, understanding the location of data and creating an operational blueprint of your organisation’s data is more critical than ever.

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Regulatory complianceFinancial services
FIMA Report 2021: Data as a strategic growth asset

Containing answers and insights from 100 Chief Data Officers from buy-side and sell-side firms globally, find out the challenges faced in 2021 and the solutions being put in place to help organisations unlock the value of their data.

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New and views HIGH RES
Regulatory complianceDigital transformation
Future proofing your data strategy

On the second day of The A-Team’s Data Management Summit where Solidatus’ Co-CEO, Philip Dutton, joined a group of data experts on a panel titled: “Data strategy spotlight: Future proofing your data strategy for today’s complex regulatory environment.”

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