Best practices for metadata management

“Metadata is data about data. Metadata gives the specifics of what data is and how you should use it.”
Solidatus Chief Innovation Officer Philip Miller caught up with the A-Team alongside panellists Michael King From BNY Mellon, Edgar Zalite from Deutsche Bank, Tara Raafat from Bloomberg and Mark Etherington from Crux to discuss the evolution of metadata and the benefits of a successful metadata management project.
“It comes down to lineage,” Philip Miller comments, “am I getting the right data into the right field and using it for the right purpose?” Without understanding lineage, businesses can get into a lot of trouble and metadata is the key to understanding lineage in terms of what it can deliver and getting the best results possible.
But what else did we take away from this webinar? Here are our key learnings:
- When it comes to best practice, understand you have a challenge. Get the right information out of the heads of your SME’s and into a repository
- In order to move towards automated metadata management, organisations need to change work practices now to be better off long-term by planning projects properly by design and default
- Catalog – businesses need to understand what needs to be understood. Part of that is cataloging data, profiling it and defining taxonomies that fit
- Technologies need to be accessible – enterprises need to be able to grasp technologies and take ownership of it in order for the right people to have their fingerprints on metadata
To find out more, watch the webinar ‘Best practice for metadata management’ on-demand now: