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Data managementData lineage
Discover infinite possibilities in your data solar system

Last week, NASA blew the world away with the first images from its James Webb Space Telescope – delivering a ground-breaking new view of our universe.

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ESGData management
Data blueprints deliver knowledge and context

At a recent keynote speech in London, Solidatus Co-CEO Philip Dutton said that “the demon of complexity is the thing we’re all struggling with.”

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ESGData management
ESG today and tomorrow

In his keynote speech, ‘7 things you need to know about ESG’, Philip Miller talks us through the challenges of ESG as it stands today, how it is constantly developing and why you need to create and implement the right strategy to ensure future compliance.

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PD PM Data management awards
Data managementData governance
A-Team Data Management Insight Awards 2021

We are excited to announce that we have been named as the winners of two categories at the A-Team Data Management Insight Awards 2021.

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Data management
Shifting to proactive data management

At the A-Team Data Management Summit Virtual USA, Solidatus CDO Lorraine Waters interviewed Scotiabank CDO Peter Serenita to learn more about his insights into reactive vs. proactive data management to drive growth and profitability.

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Data managementData lineage
Optimizing healthcare’s digital landscape

As we move out of a restricted society, what does a post Covid-19 world look like for the healthcare industry and its data?

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ESGData management
Data management for ESG requirements

Solidatus Co-Founder Philip Miller sat down with industry experts for the latest A-Team Insights webinar to discuss the biggest challenges and best practices around ESG data sourcing and management strategies.

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Data managementDigital transformation
Getting customer data right

Our new Chief Data Officer, Lorraine Waters, caught up with Scotiabank VP and Chief Data Officer Allie Harris over a fireside CDO chat at the A-Team Insight Virtual Data Management Summit last week.

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Metadata managementData management
Tech Company News Interview with Philip Dutton

Solidatus Co-Founder Philip Dutton recently caught up with the team at Tech Company News to discuss the origins of Solidatus, how our solution is transforming businesses on a global scale and where the future lies for us as a business.

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London Connections
Data managementData lineage
25 years on, what did the Barings Bank crash teach us?

Back in 1995, a young Futures Trader Nick Leeson was working for Barings Bank when he fraudulently hid massive financial losses from the bank in both London and Singapore.

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