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Data management

Data management is the acquisition, validation, storage, protection and distribution of the data essential for an organization’s business processes to function correctly. It is impossible to achieve if the data is not understood – understanding comes only come from accurate, accessible, comprehensive metadata.
Waves purple and blue HIGH RES

Catalog your data like never before

Quickly discover, document, analyze and share your data with a modern, fully integrated, feature-rich, machine learning assisted catalog.

data management
Your metadata management hub

As the hub for your metadata management, Solidatus and its API will support all operations programmatically. It integrates metadata updates from other systems, and sources and takes advantage of its full version history change management functionality.

Build effortless data management into everything you do

Solidatus is designed to support all of your metadata management needs. Looking for a rigid framework? You’re in the wrong place. Here, we know flexibility is important, and don’t impose restrictions. That means you can use Solidatus for much more than than classic metadata management, and can use it to model processes, regulations, organizations and permissions. The possibilities are endless.

Abstract lineage cube (HIGH RES)
Understanding at a glance

It’s impossible to gain understanding of your organization’s data without some seriously clever visualization. With Solidatus, you’ll be able to record and distribute a view of your data and its complete lifecycle. With data lineage visualized and enriched with metadata, you’ll see where your data has come from, where it’s been, and where it’s going. Ask questions with an easy to use query language, and gain insights faster than ever.

Key benefits

Fast results

You won’t need expensive and time-consuming training. With a straightforward user interface, it’ll be easily adopted throughout the organization, meaning you can get results straight away.

Easy collaboration

Solidatus is built for the federated approach is vital to successful data management. Incorporate data dictionaries, business glossaries and asset inventories that can be integrated with lineage models to ensure understanding across your organization.

A common language

Record and share common terms, which are centrally-collated and disseminated across the business, with synonyms cataloged and context‑dependent usages identified. The result? Everyone still uses familiar terminology, while understanding colleagues who employ different vocabularies.

Cloud data management - the visual solution

Prepare your cloud migration strategy by identifying mission–critical data and eliminating redundant information – enrich this data with current regulations, service agreements and business intelligence allowing for in-depth impact analysis before moving assets to the cloud.

Cloud 3
Build a complete migration strategy

Prevent data duplication and wasted resources by experimenting on a linked snapshot of the current view, assessing the impact of making changes as regulations evolve, and as new data sources and organizations come online.

Cloud 2
Maintain a diverse cloud-services architecture

Dynamically connect and visualize complex data relationships and break down silos. Got a multi-cloud data infrastructure? Use Solidatus to avoid vendor lock-in and ensure compliance.

Cloud 1
Protect your reputation

Mitigate the significant reputational risks associated with a data breach and avoid regulatory fines and sanctions by mapping data privacy, access and retention rules across all your business entities, jurisdictions, data categories, usages and systems – delivering major time savings and efficiency increases.

New: Your essential guide to cloud data management​

Find out how to use data blueprints for success.​